Thinking quickly on his feet, and drawing on his training, Stefan managed to prevent a potentially life-threatening situation from escalating. Working on Christmas Day, Stefan was present as people supported at Holland House opened their gifts.
When one person started to choke, Stefan speedily came to their aid. Home Manager, James Sapple recounts: “Stefan responded extremely quickly performing back slaps and ultimately abdominal thrusts which encouraged the person to dislodge the object that they were choking on.” It became apparent that the object was a small part from their Christmas gift from a family member.
Fortunately, no harm was done, and the person is well and happy. Stefan continues to support the person, and encourages their development and growth each day.
Nominating Stefan for Team member of the month for his professionalism, James Sapple comments: “This is one significant example that is really a consistent trait of Stefan’s. He always goes above and beyond for people we support ensuring they have wonderful experiences and opportunities.
“I regularly receive positive feedback from family members and professionals on the support he delivers day in and day out.”
On hearing he had been awarded Team member of the month for January Stafan said, “I’m actually made up to have been nominated by my manager. I really appreciate it; it means a lot.’
“I’ll continue to do what I do for people I support by assisting them to enjoy each day happily and safely. Thinking back to the incident, I’m glad I felt confident enough with the training I had received to help out the person I was supporting as quickly and safely as possible, I like to think I did what anyone would have done in that situation.’
“With the money/points, I might add a couple more watches to my collection, but I’m sure my daughter will have other ideas on how to spend it!”
Runners up
The two runners up for January are Grace Leavett, Support Worker at Penny Meadow Life Skills Centre and Jonathan Hunt, Support Worker at Bluetts House.
Grace’s nomination comes from a parent who values the excellent communication on what her daughter will be doing, what she enjoyed, and photos of her day. She says: “When [my daughter] is with Grace, I know she is in for a fun-packed day of support and new experiences which help to put my mind at rest as a mother.”
Bringing new ideas for activities to Bluetts House, Jonathan started making incense with a person he supports, who loves the activity. They particularly love the smells and touch of the incense.
His Home Manager, Tanya Mills, comments: “John brings with him a vast amount of knowledge, experience, and skills. He also demonstrates the qualities of an outstanding support worker who shows dedication, consistency, proactiveness, and compassion towards his role.”
Congratulations also go to the nine shortlisted nominees this month!
Jayne Jones, Support Worker at 361 The Ridge
Kelly Oakham, Practice Lead at Lewes Road
Victoria Hedman, Practice Lead at Penny Meadow Life Skills Centre
Charlotte Sillett, Practice Lead at Willoughby Lodge
Katrina McMillan, Support Worker at EDS Bath
Oluwasina (Richard) Amira, Support Worker at Hilltop
Marischa Harding, Learning Facilitator (Learning Disability Nurse) at Maldon House
Molly Akuoku-Boateng, Practice Lead at Chetwynd Road
Pardeep Kaur, Support Worker at DCA West Bromwich