David was a person that we supported in one of our community outreach centres, when he lived in a lovely caring residential home for a number of years. David found it difficult to make himself understood, as he communicates using British Sign Language (BSL), and eventually, his communication needs were not being met. That’s when Achieve together was asked to support him due to our d/Deaf specialism.
David was deemed to have some challenging behaviours, because of the lack of previous BSL support, which lead to him being misunderstood. Due to the level of challenging behaviour, he displayed in the past he required 3:1 support within the community.
Communicating and engaging
David, his family and the previous home he lived in felt he would benefit greatly from a fully BSL trained staff team and environment. From the get-go it was apparent that he was engaging with team members as they can sign using BSL fluently.
This is the benefit of the specialist home where all team members can sign in BSL. It demonstrates how crucial it was that David was able to communicate to team members, and how the team’s BSL signing skills allowed for discussion around David’s, wants, needs and subsequent support. Since David has moved in he has not displayed any challenges which is a huge success for David, his family and his support team.
Now that David was able to communicate his wants and needs one of the first activities he undertook was the redecoration of his new room. David was able to sign to team members which colours he had selected and where he wanted his furniture placed. This gave David a real sense of personalisation of his environment. David was brave and he even painted most of the walls himself.
New hobbies and interests
David continues to express himself through his favourite hobbies such as photography. Since moving David has also tried out new activities and interests such as snooker, which he is a natural at. David continues to explore his interest and now does not shy away from engaging in new activities and he feels safe, supported and understood in doing so with team members. David is developing more and more with confidence and is a real pleasure to support and watch him progress.
Since we have supported David, he has been successfully engaging in all areas of living in and out of the community. David enjoys nothing more than a drink in Costa Coffee and this is now a regular activity he looks forward to.
Find out more
If we can support you or someone you know, let us know by contacting us.
You may also want to find out more about our accommodation and support options.