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Tuscany House is a 24-hour residential home for male adults aged 18+ with autism spectrum conditions.
The service is commended by the local health teams for its reflective and creative approaches to working with people with autism spectrum conditions presenting complex communication and behaviour needs, the home is very much guided by principles set out by the SPELL framework.
The service aims to create a low arousal and structured environment with an embedded highly visual total communication culture. The visual flow of the day, Now and Next, PECs, and social stories work alongside an empathetic approach taken by staff in understanding that each individual may also find certain aspects of expressive and receptive verbal communication challenging.
The team has good experience in understanding the complex sensory needs that may also present for someone with autism spectrum conditions. Using these tools and this experience, the service has helped individuals overcome transition difficulties when going out into the community, reduced anxiety and associated restrictive behaviours and increased social and developmental opportunities as a result for those that previously found some aspects of this extremely challenging.