Supported Living in Walton on Thames

  • Supported Living Services
  • Surrey
  • Autism Spectrum Conditions, Behaviours that may challenge, Epilepsy, Moderate Learning Disabilities

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About this home

Located in Walton on Thames, this 24-hour supported living home supports adults with learning disabilities, autism spectrum conditions, complex needs including behaviours that may challenge, and epilepsy. To create a home-away-from-home environment, the team here actively encourage individuality and independence by adopting a person-centred approach.

Each person supported has a person-centred plan tailored to meet their needs, as well as helping them achieve improved daily living skills. They understand that every moment has the potential to accomplish a goal no matter how little, and support people to celebrate their accomplishments. People are also supported to source voluntary and/or paid employment as well as to use and enjoy the local amenities such as the cinema, gym, swimming pool, bowling alley, and nearby shopping centres.

This home was recently awarded an exemplary ‘Outstanding’ CQC rating, which is evidence of the high-quality support they provide and the outcomes achieved by those supported.

This home’s profile number is 407.

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Who we support

  • Adults
  • Autism Spectrum Conditions
  • Behaviours that may challenge
  • Epilepsy
  • Moderate Learning Disabilities


  • Garden/Outside Space
  • Wet Rooms
  • Wifi for tenants

CQC logo
Domiciliary Care Agency Surrey
CQC overall rating

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03301 755 332

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