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There is currently no availability at this home. If you would like to go on our waiting list to receive care and support at this home, please click here
Richmond House is a specialist residential home providing tailored support for adults with autism spectrum conditions, dementia, learning disabilities, mental health needs, and sensory impairments.
This detached dormer bungalow features five bedrooms, with three ground-floor bedrooms, each with a private bathroom, and two additional bedrooms upstairs. The home also offers spacious communal areas, creating a welcoming environment for socialising and engaging in activities.
We’re proud to receive such positive feedback from the people we support and their families:
“The team mebers are brilliant with [my relative]; [they are] so happy.”
“They take a lot off my mind. Knowing [my relative] is so well cared for makes me feel better about their future.”
“[My relative’s] health needs are looked after so well. They do all that really well.”