Hillside, Residential Home, Derbyshire

  • Residential
  • Derbyshire
  • Learning Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, Sensory Impairments

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About this home

Hillside is a charming and homely bungalow situated in the attractive Derbyshire market town of Ilkeston. It delivers residential care and support to adults with learning disabilities and complex needs.

Our support is always delivered with the person in mind. We do not operate a one-size-fits-all all policy. Everyone is different, and we develop specific support plans to give the best possible support for each person. One example of our person-centred approach is the installation of a hot tub, which was purchased by a person we support and installed at the home for their own therapeutic use.

Our door is always open, and we encourage family involvement at the home. We like to develop relationships with relatives who play an important part in making life for those we support as rich and fulfilling as possible. Our experienced and committed team work hard to deliver the highest standard of care and support for everyone, including families.

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Who we support

  • Adults
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Physical Disabilities
  • Sensory Impairments

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03301 755 332

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