Fiona arrived as Home Manager in the spring of 2024 and has made a significant impact on everyone who works and lives at the residential home. Her tireless efforts to improve life at Mandalay for people who live there, and the team supporting them, have paid dividends.
Everyone is now enjoying more time out and about including day trips and even holidays, while the home environment is happy and productive.
A recent local authority quality audit underlined what a difference the changes Fiona has implemented have made. The overall rating is now ‘Good’, with five areas graded as ‘Excellent’ by inspectors. The council’s Quality Monitoring Officer was very complimentary about the service and the care planning in particular.
Turn around
Head of Area Operations Jonny Short commented: “This home was a challenge. Fiona and her team have done some excellent turn around work; she should be proud.”
Deputy Manager Daniella Linden who nominated Fiona, said: “It is all down to her dedication to the job and hard work. Alongside this Fiona and I also get called upon to do many investigations within the organisation and she just takes it in her stride and gets on with it. All this, while preparing for her wedding at the end of December!”
Fiona added: “Working at Mandalay has been a real challenge during 2024. When I started the culture was not where is should be.
“However, through working closely with the team this has truly changed. They have taken all my crazy ideas and run with them, involving everyone in the house to extract every moment of fun and laughter.
“December was a magical month for us at Mandalay – holidays, Santa visits, winter wonderland and Panto trips. I turned 60 and got married and the team clubbed together for presents, cake and balloons for me. I felt every inch the queen, and I believe that this is all because of the time I invested with them.
“While I may have won this award, without the support and belief from the team I could never have reached the goals that we achieved.”