Many congratulations to four of the people we support – Simon, Louise, Philippa and Alex – who all recently received job offers at ‘Creased Puddle’, a neurodiversity training and consultancy company! Creased Puddle are seeking to employ people who have autism to become an associate on one of their training courses. The job will involve helping to train the police to understand and better communicate with neurodivergent people.
Simon, who lives in Surrey, was offered a role and shared his experience with us.
“I was overjoyed when I heard I’d got the job! I applied for the role because it sounded like a great opportunity. I’ve already been training people about autism for 11 years, so I thought this job was a good step. I’m excited about getting the job because it means I’ll get to meet new people, and have another team to work with. I’ll learn how to travel to new places, and there will be a new learning curve of how to do autism trainings in a different way.
“What I feel most proud of, is that this job application was made completely independently. I wrote my CV and application letter on my own, without any additional support. I did the whole application process on my own – and I’m proud of that.
“Since living with Achieve together, my independence has really increased, and so has my knowledge about the world. I’ve learned lots about how to do things. I have so much more independence and confidence everyday with everything – from maintaining my flat and cleaning, to going out on my own and having a social life. The team and other people I live with are just amazing! I feel really happy!”
Louise, who lives in another supported living home in Surrey, is celebrating her new job offer at Creased Puddle.
She told us: “I’m very proud of myself for being successful in this new job application. I was very nervous about the outcome and am really happy it was good news! My new job will involve helping people with autism, dyslexia, ADHD and dyspraxia to put them into the right jobs. I will also be interviewing the Police and giving them constructive feedback about how I think the interview has gone.
“I applied for the job because the role sounded interesting and I wanted to challenge myself by trying something new. I worked with staff and applied for the role, and was selected for interview. I found the interview surprisingly easy and I was less nervous than I thought I would be! I was supported when I was preparing for my interview, because I can sometimes become anxious, and staff help me to manage this.
“I’ve gained a lot more confidence and independence since moving here. I still sometimes struggle, but with staff support, I manage to find solutions to any problems I have. I already have several volunteering positions – including Mencap and Blossom Hill School. Additionally I go Sutton College where I do English skills through the theatre. In the past I’ve worked in Epsom Primary School, and supported The Change Foundation. I think this new job will improve my life, because I’ll be learning new skills, and I’ll be interacting with different people – which will help to raise my confidence!”
Philippa, also from Surrey, told us about her experience and job offer.
Philippa says: “I’m so excited to have this opportunity to speak up and help others. This really has given my confidence a boost and I can’t wait to start! I’m looking forward to helping the police understand more about people with disabilities and building confidence by travelling to new places and meeting new people.
“I applied for the role because it was a new challenge for me and was part of my 30 day confidence task to do something new. Staff supported me with the application process by helping me with the cover letter and my CV. I really enjoyed it as the interview was laid back and I did the interview independently which I was so proud of.
“Since moving to this supported living accommodation, my confidence and independence has grown. I’m part of C4C and a Quality Checker, I also work in a local charity shop and help out with community projects in my local area. The team at my home are amazing and have believed in me from the day I moved in and supported me to step outside my comfort zone.”
Alex, from Wales successfully secured a job too.
Alex spoke about this opportunity with us: “I applied for this role because I love teaching people about learning disabilities and difficulties. I found it easy to apply and enjoyed the application process. I’m looking forward to teaching the police about how we would like to be treated.”