Members of Campaign 4 Change and our Co-production Team, Unity, embarked on a new venture – teaching future Social Workers about co-production!
Partnering with the University of Bradford, the team co-produced a 3-hour lecture that took 17 first year social work students on a journey through the world of co-production and where it’s used today.
The team chatted about the important work of Campaign 4 Change and Unity, their recent successes and their ‘Big Plan’ for the future, which of course includes even more co-production and more collaborations such as this.
Those in attendance learned about the Ladder of Co-production and how Unity have used this as a basis for their own ‘Stamp of Approval’ award initiative. They also learned what good co-production looks like, what not so great co-production looks like, and how co-production is a vital tool in supporting those who may not easily advocate for themselves.
Campaign 4 Change also offered up a series of thought experiments, interactive online surveys and group activities for the students to feedback on. The students were brilliantly engaged and had some wonderfully thought-out and insightful responses to these activities, which left the presenting team with a good feeling about the next generation of social workers.
Rebecca Hollis, lecturer in social work at University of Bradford, said:
“Campaign 4 Change have been brilliant working with the Social work department at the University of Bradford specifically to deliver a session for students to teach them about co-production.”
She continued, “The session was extremely well planned and delivered, the feedback from the students has been extremely positive. Campaign 4 Change delivered the session in an engaging manner and were able to bring the session to life with their own experiences from co-produced pieces of work. We look forward to working with you all again!”
We look forward to it, too, Rebecca!