The Government has published a new white paper detailing its plan to help economically inactive people with health conditions and disabilities find (and stay in) work.
Learning Disability England has published an article summarising the reforms.
The hope is that people with learning disabilities and autistic people will be among those that can benefit by finding fulfilling work that matches their interests. By supporting more people to gain skills and employment, The Get Britain Working Scheme aims to aid growth in the UK.
The white paper recognises some of the flaws in the current system, such a focus on getting people into work quickly while largely ignoring if the role is a good match for both employer and employee. There will also be reforms around the benefits system.
Additionally, it highlights the importance of helping employers to support employees with mental health needs, long term health conditions or disabilities.
As part of Get Britan Working, a new supported employment scheme called Connect to Work will be rolled out. There are many people in the UK with a strong desire to work but face many barriers to employment, and this national scheme is a great step in the right direction.
At Achieve together many people we support are working in voluntary or paid employment and we have a dedicated Co-production and Employment Partner who advises on routes to work. However, there are still many more who would like to work and are actively looking yet cannot find a job that is suitable.
Read more about the Get Britain Working white paper.
Read more about Connect to Work.