The Seven Deadly Sins

An amazing example of co-production and a fantastic performance from people we support at Bath’s Egg Theatre

From writing their own lines to workshops, designing costumes to performing, people we support at Educational Day Service (EDS) in Bath have fully immersed themselves in The Seven Deadly Sins. On 5 July all their hard work came together at a fully BSL signed performance inspired by Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. The ten cast members who are all Deaf, their families and support team haven’t stopped talking about the incredible experience.

Theatre Royal appearance

The seven-month project began in December 2023 when EDS Bath was approached to become involved in Bath Theatre Royal’s Engage programme. This inclusive initiative offers the opportunity for people to engage with the community and create a discovery space.

EDS Bath runs a Tuesday drama group, a popular activity for many people who attend the service. Usually performances are held in-house. This is the first time participants have had the opportunity to perform on a ‘real’ stage.

Fully accessible

When casting parts, the support team worked with people to agree who would be confident to sign dialogue and act and who would prefer to be expressive solely through acting. One of the actors, Shane, goes to the Theatre Royal most weekends to watch performances. He can often be found at the stage door requesting autographs.

Technically, the team at The Egg made the experience fully accessible by creating visual cues in the absence of spoken words. Additionally, fuller lighting  ensured BSL signing was visible to all. Accompanying music created a sound atmosphere for the hearing audience and vibrations and base sounds that participants could also respond to.

In the spotlight

Support Worker, Jade Wainwright who co-ordinated with The Egg, said: “For so many people we support the chance to be on stage in front of a real audience with the spotlight on them, is a dream come true. They were all incredible and everybody at EDS is so proud of them!”

Director Sophie Cottle, added: “Creating The Seven Deadliy Sins has been an immensely joyful experience. To our exceptional cast – your unwavering commitment and infectious enthusiasm have infused every rehearsal with life and energy. Engage Together has indeed lived up to its name, with participation and collaboration in abundance!”

Costume designers at The Egg, Alice and Anna, commented: “What a pleasure it’s been to work on the show as people supported have been so much fun, so easy to work with and there’s been lots of laughter.”

Reviews and reactions

“I loved people’s costumes, my favourite bit was my wedding to Alan Carter, my favourite actor. I think amazing, I loved it all. It was very accessible. I feel happy and proud. First time perform me, never before. I was nervous but I practice, practice, practice.” Zara May, Actor ‘Lust’ character

“The Egg Theatre production has been an amazing opportunity for people we support. The team for The Egg has been so encouraging and worked to everyone’s strengths, making sure they were involved every step of the way. It was brilliant to see the production development all the way to the final show. The EDS team who supported rehearsals worked so hard, especially Jade who was the backbone of the show from our side. It was unforgettable.” Jo Butts, Deputy Manager at EDS Bath

“What a brilliant show, we all enjoyed watching it. Everyone did so well. Thank You!” Anne Troop, Mother of Charlotte Troop, Actor ‘Jealousy’ character

“You are all so special – you have made a dream come true, you truly have.” Family member

“West End, here we come! The whole production was amazing. No one could resist the audience interaction and cutting a few shapes on the dance floor at the end was brilliant. It made my heart melt and is a good reminder of why and who we all work here for.” Tina, Team member.

“The costumes were wonderful, the acting sublime and the audience was invited onto the stage at end the play – the floor was vibrating with proud dancing feet! Bravo!” Heidi Kubisa, Practice Lead at EDS Bath

A video of the project will be available soon.

The Seven Deadly Sins — Theatre Royal Bath