Little Shop of Horrors

Penny Meadow day service presents a very special production of this iconic horror comedy rock musical

After six months of preparation, planning and rehearsals, it’s show time! People we support and the support team at Penny Meadow Skills and Sensory Centre presented their very own Little Shop of Horrors, for one night only – 28 June 2024.

A huge amount of effort went into creating this exceptional performance. Valuing everyone, all people supported at the service were involved in some way, from costumes and props to set building and painting…as well as performing. One young man has achieved his goal of operating the lights using a special lighting rig.

Team members  ‘made things happen’ by devising and teaching dance routines. They have also brought in partners and family members to help with scenery and creating models of Audrey II, the bloodthirsty plant central to the story.

Learning the story

Earlier in the year, everyone watched the original film and then had a trip out to watch a live performance at the local theatre in Colchester. Singing, dancing and performing are activities that people who attend the service enjoy immensely. They universally agreed that Little Shop of Horrors ticked all the boxes in being able to showcase their talents.

When it came to casting there were a few surprises! Manager Ed Cook said: “We sat down as a team and started to put the names of people we support against characters. However, that plan was soon put aside. People began to show amazing acting talents and singing voices we didn’t know they had!”

One of the most rewarding aspects of the project is seeing people supported grow and develop. Several have taken on roles that the team never imagined they would have the confidence to do. What’s more, they showed extraordinary commitment to learning songs and lines, and giving up time to rehearse.

Confidence – Being brave

“We have seen some people we support get involved in performing who we never thought would. They have always been quiet and don’t like to be centre stage. This show has built up the confidence and trust of so many,” says Ed, with obvious pride.


“The show was an amazing success. I am so proud of the achievements of people we support who acted their socks off. The support team were outstanding, as were backstage crew and lighting. This truly was a team effort of epic proportions but totally worth it to see everyone from the cast to the audience with the biggest smiles on their faces.” Manager, Ed Cook

“WOW the most fantastic armature show I have ever seen; the actors and actresses were amazing. The happiness and enjoyment was so evident in their faces ” Friends of Penny Meadow

“What a wonderful show. It had all the fun, drama and music of any theatre but the joy was in seeing the young people enjoy themselves so much and have a forum to show their talents.” Family member

“I was literally buzzing after last night’s show and couldn’t switch off! It was honestly just THE BEST show ever. I loved every second.” Family member

“Well done for Friday night. It must have been a massive effort and well worth it. Lovely to see our daughter coming out twice onto stage. Little steps. Thanks to the whole team.” Tom Vince

“This production was an absolute sensation and an incredible achievement. It was clear to see people we support thoroughly enjoyed being stars of the show and how effectively the team support them. Everyone had a part to play and everything was adapted to ensure this was the case. It was wonderful seeing ‘The Meadowers’ living their best lives and being an integral part of their community.” Regional Manager, Jane Neil