An impressive nomination from Kelly’s Regional Manager, Jonny Short, secured her this award. He drew the judges’ attention to the home’s Good rating from the local authority in December, which included many compliments. Full local authority inspections are equal to CQC inspections in their thoroughness.
Reliable and dependable, Kelly leads her team to support 22 people with significant health conditions. It is home to people with mental health diagnoses, personality disorders, schizophrenia and other challenges. Jonny describes the support that Kelly and her team give as ‘a life vest keeping people afloat when they are at their lowest point’.
This home has also been called ‘the last option’ by the local Mental Health Crisis Team, the next step being detainment. It’s clear that it provides a beacon of hope for people who live there, and that the team do their utmost to support everyone to live healthy, happy and meaningful lives.
Kelly said: “Receiving the award was amazing news. I am overwhelmed with gratitude to have been selected. I would like to thank my team for their continuous dedication and support. We strive to deliver the best care and support for people to achieve their goals and enable them to move on to their next step, supported living.”