What is autism?
Autistic people may display a range of strengths and abilities that can be directly related to their diagnosis. However, not all these attributes are always obvious. Our team of expert practitioners work tirelessly to ensure that we all look beyond these challenges and focus on the positive qualities that autism spectrum conditions can bring.
Achieve Together supports adults with Autism, Asperger’s syndrome and related conditions including Fragile X Syndrome, Pathological Demand Avoidance, Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorders. We also support people who have associated complex needs including Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and mental health conditions such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders.
How can we help people?
People with Autism often require specialist services including support for additional complex mental health needs and/or behaviours that may challenge. Achieve Together’s specialist services have been adapted to offer low arousal environments, specialist support and therapy input.
A holistic Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and Total Communication approach allow for increased inclusion and engagement. This approach is led by our Clinical Director/PBS Team Manager, and provides staff with access to high and low tech communication aids, as well as best practice in positive behaviour support.
All our teams receive comprehensive internal specialist training on autism spectrum conditions. This training is delivered by specialist trainers and when available, one of the people we support.
No matter what the needs of the people we support, we dedicate ourselves to empowering the individual. We strive to help them develop skills for life, build healthy and productive relationships, as well as supporting them to boost their confidence and self-esteem.
Read more about how we can support individuals with autism spectrum disorders here.
Supporting people with Autism Spectrum Conditions
At Achieve together we recognise that people are not all the same and that autistic people have a different way of seeing the world. We see this as a normal variation of the human experience.
This difference has a number of positive and desirable character traits and is a fundamental part of the person’s identity.
Autistic people may display a range of strengths and abilities that can be directly related to their diagnosis. However, not all of these attributes are always obvious.
We work tirelessly to ensure that all our staff look beyond these challenges and focus on the positive qualities that autism can bring.
Achieve together provides specialist support for autistic people that may also have complex needs including sensory processing differences, behaviours which may challenge and mental health conditions that are often associated with the autism spectrum.
We support over 300 autistic people in England and Wales. These people live in a range of accommodation including supported living or residential services, or are provided with outreach support.
A number of services specialise in supporting autistic people.
Our specialist autism services include:
• Supporting sensory processing differences
• Positive Behaviour Support
• Therapy input from our dedicated Clinical Team
• Low arousal environments
• A person-centred approach
• Sensory Profile Assessments • Anxiety and anger management plans
• Focus on Total Communication
• Developing predictable routines and meaningful activities • Developing life and social skills
• Developing employment opportunities
• ASDAN (towards independence) • Creating and maintaining friendships and family contact
• Supporting people with relationships, sexuality and sexual identity