Brondesbury Road, Residential Home, Brent

  • Residential
  • London - Brent
  • Behaviours that may challenge, Complex needs, Deafness, Dementia, Hearing Impairments, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, Physical Disabilities, Sight Impairment

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About this home

Brondesbury Road is a specialist residential home, without nursing, in Queen’s Park, north-west London. The team at the home provides 24-hour support to six deaf or deafblind adults. People we support are living with diverse and sometimes complex needs, including learning and physical disabilities, mental ill-health and dementia.

Our skilled team is passionate about providing a comfortable and safe environment where those we support enjoy individual choice and independent living. Each person we support is at the heart of their care and support.

We take a personalised approach, using appropriate communication techniques and encouraging positive risk-taking so people are always involved in decision-making about their support and are supported to live their life as independently as possible.

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Who we support

  • Adults
  • Behaviours that may challenge
  • Complex needs
  • Deafness
  • Dementia
  • Hearing Impairments
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Disabilities
  • Sight Impairment


  • Garden/Outside Space

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03301 755 332

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